Isabella Soupart
Performing Arts


Kintsugi I New production I Oct. 13th I Festival Artonov

Festival Artonov 2024

Inspired by the Japanese concept of Kintsugi, which celebrates beauty through imperfection, choreographer Isabella Soupart invites composer Antoine Pierre to collaborate on her new production for the 2024 Artonov Festival. This collaboration results in an innovative musical work where French dancer-performer Elsa Tagawa interacts live with Antoine Pierre on drums, blending acoustic drums, electronic elements, and sound samples. Together, they create a unique artistic experience combining dance and live music.

Audition Call I Sept. 7th 2024 at Rosas Studio

September 2024
Isabella Soupart is looking for dancers with a strong contemporary technique, a ballet foundation, and skills in acting/singing for a new production taking place from October 21st to December 15th, 2024.

When: September 7th, 2024 – Please send your application to:

Location : Rosas studio

Required documents:

Personal information and short biography

Portrait photo

Link to a video containing: A dance sequence showcasing your mastered qualities, max 60″

Application deadline: August 23rd, 2024

Kaze to Arashi I New creation 2024

Autumn 2024

Kaze To Arashi is a collaboration between choreographer Isabella Soupart and composer David Achenberg, inspired by the Japanese manga FURARI by Jirō Tanigushi. This immersive performance combines new listening experiences with new dancing formats, inviting the audience to shift their perception of time and explore the space as a plastic environment. A compelling confrontation between dance, music and video, Kaze To Arashi is a hypnotic and profoundly moving performance on the fragility of the human condition.

More info soon…Fondation Blan > Nov.14th >Dec.15th

In Landscape I Fondation blan I October 2023

October 7th & 8th 2023

Isabella Soupart and musical dramaturge Guy Vandromme explore in this project the creative, social, and multicultural possibilities of acoustic ecology and slowness through movement and sound. “In Landscape” aims to explore new listening experiences by integrating new dance formats. These mediums seek to transform the perception of time and view space as a malleable environment. Compositions by the international group of composers/performers Wandelweiser, including Michael Pisaro, Craig Shepard, Jürg Frey, Antoine Beuger, Carla Inderhees, Eva-Maria Houben, and Bruno Duplant, influence the choreographic and musical writing of the project.