Dance Fiction Film

An essay debating on the need for gesture, How To Act questions the manner in which gesture can be linked to political or sentimental conflict. A woman moves in a given space ; her grace and violence are controlled. She climbs up steps, descends them, stops, knocks against a wall, is deflected onto another, rebounds, stumbles, then picks herself up in an everlasting fight that is at times silent, at others producing deafening, discordant sounds. Situated at the confines of fiction, experimental cinema and video art, Isabella Soupart’s films create a space and language at the edge of the arts, tirelessly questioning the modes for representing reality. How To Act, the third film by the artist, falls within the series « Film Fiction Dance », initiated by Red Room (2010) and Words (2012).


Essai sur la nécessité du geste, How to Act interroge la manière dont celui-ci s’allie à une forme d’engagement politique et sentimental. Une femme se meut dans l’espace avec grâce et violence maitrisées. Monte, descend les marches, s’arrête, se cogne et se projette d’un mur à l’autre, rebondit, tombe et se relève dans un éternel combat. Combat tantôt silencieux, tantôt sonore en d’assourdissantes ruptures. Aux confins de la fiction, du cinéma expérimental et de l’art vidéo, les films d’Isabella Soupart inventent un espace, un langage à la frontière des arts lesquels questionnent inlassablement les modes de représentation de la réalité. How to Act, troisième film de l’artiste, s’inscrit dans la série « Film Fiction Danse », commencée avec Red Room (2010) et Words (2012).

An essay debating on the need for gesture, How To Act questions the manner in which gesture can be linked to political or sentimental conflict. A woman moves in a given space ; her grace and violence are controlled. She climbs up steps, descends them, stops, knocks against a wall, is deflected onto another, rebounds, stumbles, then picks herself up in an everlasting fight that is at times silent, at others producing deafening, discordant sounds. Situated at the confines of fiction, experimental cinema and video art, Isabella Soupart’s films create a space and language at the edge of the arts, tirelessly questioning the modes for representing reality. How To Act, the third film by the artist, falls within the series « Film Fiction Dance », initiated by Red Room (2010) and Words (2012).



Director, photography and Choreography Isabella Soupart • Dancer Anuschka Von Oppen • Light Design Jim Clayburgh • Camera Anna Samoilovich • Editing Jonathan Sullam • Sound Engineer Marc Doutrepont.


Production 2017 •  H&B Production Hugues Bultot (BE)

Photography©Isabella Soupart